Transportation Master Plan FAQ

Transportation Master Plan FAQ

What is a Transportation Master Plan?

A Transportation Master Plan (TMP) provides direction on future transportation investment that supports long-term community growth. This plan represents a new vision for the Town, identifying a multi-modal, complete streets approach to the planning, design and implementation of transportation infrastructure to support and realize the Town’s strategic directions and policies.

Typically, a TMP should include:

  • Investments in infrastructure and service towards a horizon year.
  • Coordination with other jurisdictions that provide connected transportation services to the municipality.
  • Input for future Development Charges (DC) for new developments or redevelopments occurring within the municipality.
  • The requirements to satisfy Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (as amended in 2015) for proposed transportation projects, facilities, and services within the municipality.
  • Compliance with AODA standards for both documentation and recommendations.

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Why does Carleton Place need a TMP?

The Town has been experiencing incredible growth in recent years. Current projections suggest the Town’s population will double within the next two (2) decades. This growth comes at an unprecedented time with the prevailing impacts of COVID-19 on our society and the ever-growing influence of technology on transportation systems, which is changing how people move. While planning for new technologies and new challenges will be important, traditional needs for local residents and businesses will still be pivotal in the future. Therefore, the Town has initiated this TMP to develop a plan that will incorporate both existing needs and future trends to guide the development of transportation infrastructure, for ALL modes, for years to come.

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How is a TMP developed?

The TMP will be completed in two phases following the master plan requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process, which is an approved process under the Environmental Assessment Act.

Phase 1 identified and assessed the existing transportation conditions and engaged staff, agencies, key stakeholders and the public on the overall vision and direction of the plan.

Phase 2 included an analysis, investigation and identification of potential infrastructure improvements, a complete streets approach / process to transportation planning and decision making and policy improvements to guide Carleton Place into the next two decades.

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How do I get involved?

You can help us shape the Town’s future transportation system in a number of ways:

  • Subscribe to CP Scoop via the Town website to stay informed on the TMP and upcoming events.
  • Complete our Online Community Survey and Interactive Mapping Tool to help us understand what your thoughts and concerns are with the Town’s transportation system.
  • Attend our Public Information Centres (PIC). Two PICs are planned at key stages of the TMP process. At these events, we will share our progress to-date and ask for your feedback.
  • Contact our Project Managers. At any time, you may contact our PMs noted on the TMP webpage for any additional information or thoughts.

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