Finance and Taxes

Questions? Call Jennifer Muoka at 613-257-6218 or email her at

Useful Forms and Documents

2025 Budget

During the December 10th, 2024, Council meeting, Council reduced the proposed 3.9% tax rate increase to 2.9% based on feedback from the community. The increase is required to cover rising infrastructure renewal and service delivery costs

In addition, the Town received one-time provincial funding of $428,787 to partially offset the 2025 OPP policing contract increase of $622,270. Council chose to use one-half of this funding to reduce the OPP tax rate increase for 2025 from the proposed 4.1% down to 2.6% placing the other half of the one-time funding into a reserve to offset the anticipated OPP cost increase in 2026.

Therefore, the overall tax increase of 5.5% (2.9% Town + $2.6% for OPP) was approved which will be an annual increase of $110.05 per year, or $9.17 per month based on a home assessed at $293,000.

View the Treasurer’s budget presentation!

Due Dates


First business day of the following months:


How to Pay your Taxes:

  • Directly at your bank
  • ​Use online or telephone banking (ask how at your bank or credit union)
  • Drop your payment off in the mail slot at the police station (15 Coleman Street)
  • Pay in person at the Town Hall (175 Bridge Street)
  • Online using Virtual Town Hall

Bill or Statement Reprint

Effective January 1st, 2025, as per By-law 74-2024, there is a $25.00 fee for each reprint for copies of bills or statements for both tax and water accounts.

You can obtain copies of your bills and account transactions for free through Virtual Town Hall.

Go to  to create a login.

Tax Certificates

Tax Certificates are $50 and made payable to the Town of Carleton Place.

A tax certificate to be issued as a rush, within 24 hours, is a $100.00 fee.

Financial Statements

Tax Rate By-Laws

Discontinuation of Vacant Unit Tax Rebate Program

In 2017, the Province announced that municipal rebates for vacant commercial and industrial properties and excess commercial and industrial land are no longer mandatory. In 2019, Lanark County Treasurers asked Lanark County to begin the process to apply to the Province to eliminate these rebates throughout Lanark County. County Council supported this action on September 4, 2019.

On November 10, 2020, Lanark County received notification from the Ministry of Finance that instead of preparing the regulations to implement the County’s requested changes to eliminate the exemptions, the Provincial Government would be enacting changes to the Municipal Act that would enable municipalities to modify the vacancy rebate and reduction programs at the local level through municipal by-law. These changes to The Act received Royal Assent on December 8, 2020.

Property owners submitting applications in 2020 (for rebates of 2019 taxes) we informed verbally that the program would be unavailable in 2021 (for rebates of 2020 taxes).

On Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021 By-law No. 43-2021 to discontinue the Vacant Unit Tax Rebate Program for owners of vacant commercial / industrial property or portions thereof was passed.

Significant Policies and Documents

Asset Management Plan

In 2012, Ontario’s Ministry of Infrastructure released a guide titled Building Together, Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans. This guide forms part of a comprehensive strategy called the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (MIII) which aims to develop a strong and cooperative relationship between municipalities and the Province of Ontario to address the significant challenges that currently face our deteriorating infrastructure.  The Town of Carleton Place’s AMP provides a detailed examination of all of the major assets owned by the Town including:

  • Sewer and Water Systems
  • Transportation
  • Stormwater Systems
  • Streetlights and Traffic Signals
  • Fleet
  • Facilities and Property

This Asset Management Plan not only addresses sustaining the existing infrastructure over a period of 100 years, it also outlines future plans for each asset and specifically explains expansion plans for assets to meet demands when required.

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation – Property Taxation & Assessment 101 Video

The property taxation and assessment system involves critical roles from both MPAC and municipalities when it comes to determining property tax amounts. To help provide clarity for property owners on how these taxes are calculated, including the link between property assessment, municipal service costs and required property taxes, watch MPAC’s helpful and informative new video.

MPAC – Frequently Asked Questions

School Support Designation