By-Laws and Town Policies


Animal Control By-law 122-2018 as amended
Respecting the regulation and control, protection and identification of animals and for the prohibiting the keeping of animals of any class thereof.

Cat & Dog Tags – Residents are reminded that under By-law 122-2018 every dog or cat owner is required to register their animals. For cats it is a one time registration. Dog owners are required to purchase an annual license for each dog. These requirements are in place to assist the animal control officers in ensuring that any lost, injured or stray animals can be returned to their owners.

Additionally all dog owners should be aware that their pets must be on a leash at all times when off the owner’s property, the owner is responsible for cleaning up after them (By-law 89-2004) and dogs are not permitted on any schoolyard or sports field.

Anti-Idling By-law 83-2019
To regulate the idling of vehicles within the Town of Carleton Place.

Backyard Hens By-law 44-2021 – Resources on Backyard Hens
To regulate the keeping of backyard hens within the municipality.

Building By-law 23-2022
To regulate construction, demolition and change of use permits for buildings, structures and all other related services

Civic Address By-law 04-2009
To adopt requirements for civic addressing numbers within the municipality

Clothing Donation Bin By-law
To regulate the location and maintenance of clothing donation bins on private property

Election Sign By-law 52-2018
To regulate election signs within the Town of Carleton Place

Fees and Charges By-law 81-2023
To establish fees and charges for services provided by the Town of Carleton Place

Fire Route By-law 39-2012
To designate certain roadways as fire routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted 

Fireworks By-law 88-2004
To prohibit and regulate the sale and use of fireworks within the Town of Carleton Place.

Flag Policy By-law 68-2021
To provide a policy and procedures for the use of flags and for the raising and half-masting of flags by the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place

Graffiti By-law 06-2010 and 18-2011
To regulate the condition of property within the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place 

Hydrant Use By-law 82-2023
To regulate fire hydrant and bulk water station use

Lawn Watering By-law 63-2021
To regulate the time, manner, extent and nature of the supply of water in the Town of Carleton Place 

Licensing By-law 01-2014
To license, regulate and govern certain trades, callings, businesses or occupations 

Municipal Docks By-law 37-2017
To license, regulate and govern certain trades, callings, businesses or occupations 

Noise By-law – 29-2017, as amended
To prohibit unusual noises and noise likely to disturb the inhabitants of a municipality  

Open-air Burning By-law 21-2004
To regulate the open air burning of brush/yard waste, construction materials, garbage, and inflammable materials and the regulation of open fire burning devices within the limits of the Town Carleton Place  

Operation of Motorized Snow Vehicles 19-92
To regulate the operation of motorized snow vehicles in the Town of Carleton Place.

Placement of Temporary Objects on Downtown Sidewalks (Guidelines)
Providing guidance to business owners about the requirement to maintain clear routes will enhance the economic advantages of accessible business practices.

Pool By-law 87-2019
To provide regulations for the erection, maintenance, location, use and safety of swimming pools within the municipality of Carleton Place. 

Procedural By-law 117-2018 (Consolidated Copy)
To regulate the proceedings of the municipal council of the Town of Carleton Place 

Property Standards By-law 93-2020
To provide standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property within the Town of Carleton Place.

Public Parks and Facilities By-laws 23-2019 and 32-2019
To regulate the use of public parks and town owned facilities.

Purchase of Sell or Dispose of Real Property By-law 06-2012
To establish procedures for the authority to purchase or sell or otherwise dispose of real property.

Refreshment Vehicles By-law 50-2020
To license, regulate and govern refreshment vehicles in the Town of Carleton Place. 

Right of Entry By-law 73-2004
Authorizing the entry upon adjoining lands for the purpose of making repairs, alterations or improvements.  

Road Closures By-law 15-2008
Whereas Council may pass a bylaw under Section 9 and 11 of the Municipal Act for regulating special events on municipal highways and for closing a highway temporarily.

Sign By-law 65-2008 (Consolidated Copy) Amended by 115-2020
For prohibiting or regulating signs and other advertising devices or any class or classes thereof, and the posting of notices on buildings or vacant lots within any defined area or areas or on land abutting on any defined highway or part of a highway. 

Snow Clearing By-law 23-2005
To regulate snow clearing and removal operations in the municipality.

Statutory Holiday By-law
To regulate and permit the opening of certain retail business establishments on statutory holidays

Stoop and Scoop By-law 89-2004
To require an owner of a dog to remove forthwith excrement left by the dog anywhere in the municipality.

Taxi By-law 82-2020 and 134-2021
For licensing, regulating and governing operators and drivers of taxi cabs.

Traffic and Parking By-law 46-2003 (Consolidated Copy)
To regulate parking in the Town of Carleton Place. 

Tree Clearing By-law 133-2021
To prohibit and regulate the injuring or destruction of trees on private property.

Waste Collection By-law 19-2013 – Amended by By-law 34-2021
For establishing and maintaining a system for the collection, removal and disposal of garbage and other refuse. 

Winter Parking By-law 105-2019
To regulate overnight parking on street in the winter to help with snow removal operations.

Yard Maintenance By-law – 25-2008Amended by By-law 41-2010 and By-law 60-2023
To regulate the condition of yards within the corporation of the Town of Carleton Place.

Significant Policies & Documents

Commemorative Naming:

Commemorative Bench and Tree Policy
Through this program, the Town will assist families or groups who wish to have a bench installed, or a tree planted, in a Town location (park or street side) in remembrance or commemoration of the loss of an individual or in celebration of an anniversary.

Commemorative Naming Policy for Parks, Facilities and Municipal Assets
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance regarding commemorative naming of parks,facilities and assets in The Town of Carleton Place.



Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan Update

The Town of Carleton Place’s CDM is a strategic plan that aims to provide a basis for the Town to move forward on implementing improvements to its facilities and operations that reduce energy use, their associated costs as well as the environmental effects of the Town’s activities.

Corporate Strategic Plan

The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place collaborated with staff to identify goals and objectives and decide on a Corporate Strategic Plan for this term of council, 2019 to 2022. They made a commitment to strike a balance between responding to the significant residential and business growth which is occurring and enhancing the quality of life of the people who live here with improved services and amenities.

Recreation and Culture Master Plan

The Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan establishes directions that will help the Town become a more current and effective provider of parks and recreation services. The Master Plan creates a foundation for a more informed capital plan and land use planning tool for parks and recreation. It serves as a living, breathing document to guide Carleton Place’s future in terms of parks, recreation and culture.

Community Improvement Plan*Please Note: The file size of this document is large and as a result, it may take awhile to load on your screen after clicking the link!

The intent of the CIP project is to identify priorities and design financial incentives for three separate objectives: (i) create more affordable housing, (ii) revitalize the downtown, and (iii) encourage the redevelopment of underutilized properties commonly referred to as ‘brownfields.’

IT and Digital Master Plan Summary

This plan has three areas of focus:

  • Governance, Leadership and Training
  • Infrastructure, Operations and Support
  • Service Transformation and Business Solutions

Service Delivery Review of Carleton Place Child Care Services

Several recommendations are offered and related directly to the scope of the Service Delivery Review and the long-term financial sustainability of the program.

One Human Service Network (OneHSN) was engaged by the Town of Carleton Place through an RFP issued in October 2021 to conduct a service delivery review of Carleton Place Child care Services. The service delivery review provides an opportunity for Council, staff, and other key stakeholders to understand the services provided by Carleton Place Child Care in the surrounding area and as part of the service system, currently and in the future. The recommendations put forward in this report offer options, strategies and considerations aimed toward financial stability and sustainability, over the long-term. As a municipally operated program, the analysis and report findings considered the governance model as a public entity, the impact of the last 21 months of operation over the duration of the pandemic and the potential that may exist should the Province of Ontario sign an agreement with the Federal government for $10 per day child care that would infuse new funding and increase demand for child care.  

OneHSN has provided several recommendations categorized in five key areas:

  • Financial
  • Governance and Organizational 
  • Efficiency through better use of resources
  • Digitization to streamline administration and improve customer service
  • Service delivery improvements

Full Report