Community Safety and Well-being
Community Plan for Safely and Well Being
These plans are mandated for municipalities to complete under the Community Safety and Policing Act (2019). This 2025-2029 update builds upon the original CSWB plan, which was approved by local municipalities in 2019. The updated plan will be filed with the Ministry of the Solicitor General by the July 1st, 2025, deadline. The overall purpose of the CSWB plan is to identify assets in the community, assess risks and develop strategies to mitigate those risks and gaps, leading to enhanced community safety and well-being. Assets, risks, goals, measures and strategies are set out for the pillars in the themes of Affordability and Quality of Life, Health, Violence Against Persons and Priority Populations and Diversity. Implementation teams or working groups will be established to work on the goals and strategies in this living document, and regular updates will be provided to municipalities, stakeholders and the community.
Social Services Contacts
Group | Contact Info | Service Provided |
Lanark County Social Services | 613-267-4200 ext. 2140 1-888-952-6275 | |
Hunger Stop – Lanark County Food Bank | | Emergency food hampers to those in need hampers are about five days worth of food deliveries available for those without access to transportation Community Gardens: support and access to community gardens in Carleton Place, Pakenham and Blakeney |
Lanark County Interval House | | Emergency first stage shelter for abused women and children in crisis offers an in-house residential program, a transition program, a children’s program and a crisis line Second Stage Housing: for women and children receiving support through the agency can be accessed for up to one year Outreach programs: community support programs child and youth outreach program sexual assault program volunteer program public education program Services available: legal advocacy support groups information education support and accompaniment Family Court Support Worker Program: information on the family court process assistance in preparing for family court proceedings (documenting history of abuse, accessing Legal Aid) referral to specialized services and supports in the community safety planning court accompaniment to proceedings when appropriate |
Carleton Place Youth Centre | | Free and Low cost programming for Children and youth (aged 8-18) Youth centre that provides various educational, social, recreational and cultural activities, programs and projects. Ongoing programming includes: homework help computer and Internet access recreational and sports activities arts and crafts youth leadership program community outreach program meal program lifeskills programs Skills Link employment prep program safe community partnerships referral services Spring break, Summer and Xmas Break Camps KIDZ In The Kitchen Program |
Care Closet | | Providing free clothing to the community. Tuesdays 10-12, Saturdays 2-4 |
Fairy Backpack Project | | Indoor shoes, new outfit/uniform in cooperation with Connections School Supply Program |
ConnectWell | | Support services to children and families, especially those with developmental, physical or economic limitations serves other families, day cares, schools and other groups with whom clients share their lives services are provided in client’s home or other daily environments public education workshops for parents, community services and general public see separate program descriptions for more information Programs include: infant and child development speech and language development behaviour development Ontario Autism Therapy early integration program therapeutic riding relief services connections project Good Food for Healthy Baby, birth compassion and home visiting family counselling, nurse practitioner, lung health |
St. James Breakfast | Free Breakfast every Wednesday 8:30 am-10:30 am St Jimmy’s Table – Fridays (for families – free dinner and fellowship | |
Children and Family Services | | Children’s aid society protection for children in the community places children for temporary care and adoption |
Alzheimer’s Society Caregiver Support | contact the Alzheimer Society of Lanark Leeds and Grenville at 866-576-8556 or e-mail Geralynne Smith at | Monthly meetings for caregivers are offered to any person caring for a loved one living with dementia. Join a representative from the Alzheimer’s Society of Lanark Leeds and Grenville for opportunities to develop a social network, coping strategies and to meet others in similar situations. Hosted at CP Public Library on the 2nd last Monday each month from 1:30-3:30 in the Barbara Walsh room |
Home Hospice North Lanark | If you or someone in your life is dealing with a life-limiting or terminal illness, drop by to chat with a knowledgeable person and find out what kind of supports are available to you in the community. Find out about hospice care, Advance Care Planning, or grief and bereavement with a qualified Home Hospice North Lanark Program Coordinator. No appointment necessary. Hosted at the Public Library on the 2nd Thursday of the month 1pm-3pm (Barbara Walsh room) | |
PLEO | | Family Peer Support for parents through our: Parents’ Helpline for support and guidance navigating the mental health system, finding resources in your community, and for when you just need someone to talk to. Parent Support Groups for parents to share information and learn from one another, and come together as a community. Mobile One-on-One Support for more intensive support and guidance through particularly challenging times, in-person and in your community. |
Suit Yourself | | Provides complimentary work and professional attire while being a support for women in our community facing upcoming court appearances or job interviews. |
Well Water Sampling
Well Water Testing is a free service provided by the Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit. Bottles are available for sampling at all drop off locations during regular business hours. Instructions are included on how to properly collect your sample. Once collected, samples should be delivered within 24 hours of collection. Your results will be sent in the method specified on the form submitted with your sample.
Please view this pdf for a full listing of Water Bottle Drop Off Sites
The Leeds, Grenville and District Health Unit recommends testing your water three times every year and after significant rainfall events.
Pest Control and Prevention
Dealing with pests is part of living in an urban setting and from time to time residents may encounter a variety of animals within the Town limits such as insects, mice, and occasionally rats. It does not matter if you own, rent, live, or work in Carleton Place but everyone has a responsibility to prevent and control these pests.
Pest control on private property is the responsibility of the homeowner. Residents can help control the population of rodents by:
- Proactively cleaning up yards and remove debris. Rodents will often burrow under bushes and plants.
- Keep grass and weeds cut short.
- Storing and disposing of garbage properly. Without a source of food rodents will move on quickly.
- Composting properly
- Clean up after your dog(s) as dog feces is a source of food for rats.
- Feed pets indoors and stop feeding birds as bird food is an easy food source for rodents.
- Maintaining buildings and outdoor areas. Seal all cracks and holes rodents can get through a crack or hole as small as a quarter inch.
- If required hire a licensed professional.
For more information and tips on how to prevent and control rodent infestation, please visit the Government of Canada and Health Unit websites: