Planning & Development Services
The Planning Department is responsible for providing assistance to residents respecting development – big and small. Whether its a question about permitted uses on your property or an inquiry about setbacks, we’re available to answer your questions.
Niki Dwyer
Director of Development Services
Tyler Duval
Senior Planner
Jennifer Hughes
Planning Clerk/Administrator

View the Interactive Property Map – The mapping tool is provided for convenience and general information purposes for residents. Residents should not act, or refrain from acting, based upon information in this interactive map without independently verifying the information and, as necessary obtaining professional advice regarding your particular facts and circumstances.
The County of Lanark has the authority to approve consents (severances), plans of subdivision and condominium, part-lot control by-laws, local Official Plan Amendments and local Official Plan 10-Year Reviews. Lanark County’s Sustainable Communities Official Plan. The Town of Carleton Place facilitates the consultation and provides recommendations on applications. For more information about filing an application please contact the Planning Department.
The Official Plan is a fundamental policy that provides the framework for how development and growth will occur within the Town.
The vision of the Official Plan is to “maintain and celebrate our heritage through balanced and sustainable growth which will support a sense of place respectful of our unique historical, cultural and natural heritage where citizens can enjoy an unparalleled quality of life.”
The Town is updating their Development Permit By-law and we want to hear your input! Find our more and Take our survey here!
Subject Lands:
The Council of the Town of Carleton Place passed By-law 83-2024 on December 5th, 2024, to extend Interim Control By-law 99-2023 for a further one (1) year period.
By-law 99-2023 pertains to all properties subject to the “Strategic Properties” designation identified in Schedule “A” of the Development Permit Bylaw and further specified in Schedule “A” of By-law 99-2023.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the Interim Control By-law is to prorogue the review of Development Permit applications for “Strategic Properties” until the Town has had time to undertake a study of the existing Development Permit regulations and associated land use policies pertaining to all properties subject to the designation.
The Town has commenced work to review the Development Permit regulations and presented an interim report to Council for consideration and direction but requires additional time to engage with property owners regarding changes to the performance standards.
The Council of the Town of Carleton Place has the authority to extend the period during which the by-law will be in effect to a total period not exceeding two (2) years.
Parties may file a notice of appeal with the Clerk of the municipality before January 24th, 2025. The notice of appeal must set out the reasons for the appeal and must be accompanied by the fee required by the Tribunal.
Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal an interim control by-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf.
Niki Dwyer MCIP RPP
Director of Development Services
The Town of Carleton Place uses a Development Permit By-law in place of a Zoning By-law, Site Plan By-law and Minor Variance.
Similar to a Zoning Bylaw, the Development Permit Bylaw provides permitted uses and setbacks for properties in different “designated areas” in Town.
The Bylaw also includes prescriptive Design Guidelines for each area of Town.
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Carleton Place passed Development Charges By-law No. 09-2025 on the 18th day of February, 2025 under Section 2 (1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O., 1997 c. 27, as amended;
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal under Section 14 of the Act, in respect of the Development Charges By-law, by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Carleton Place on or before March 31st, 2025 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons supporting the objection.
The schedule of development charges imposed by the by-law, which came into effect on February 18th, 2025, is as follows:
Schedule of Development Charges

No key map has been provided as the by-law applies to all lands located within the Town of Carleton Place.
A copy of the complete by-law is available for examination at the Town of Carleton Place Town Hall, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place, Ontario K7C 2V8 during regular business hours (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Tuesdays from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM and Fridays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon) excluding statutory holidays.
On Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, the Council of the Town of Carleton Place will hold a public meeting, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, to present and obtain public input on the Town’s proposed Development Charges By-law and underlying background study.
All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting (either in person or virtually) and any person who attends the meeting may make representations relating to the proposed Development Charges By-law and background study.
Public Meeting
Persons interested in actively participating in the Public Meeting are required to notify the Clerk of the Municipality at by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, January 13th, 2025.
The meeting is to be held as part of the Committee of the Whole Meeting:
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
6:15 p.m.
In Person: Council Chambers,
Carleton Place Town Hall
175 Bridge Street
Carleton Place ON, K7C 2V8
Virtually: via Zoom
In order that sufficient information is made available to the public, the background study is now available to view. Copies of the proposed Development Charges By-law and the background study are also available from the Municipal Clerk at 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place, K7C 2V8, by phone at 613-257-6212, or by emailing
Interested persons may express their comments in person at the public meeting on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, or in writing, addressed to the Municipal Clerk, at the above address prior to 12 noon on Thursday, January 9th, 2025, and such written submissions will be placed before Council at the January 14th, 2025, meeting.
Notice of Public Meeting and Open House
In accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 of the Planning Act for the Amendment of the Development Permit By-law
TAKE NOTICE that an open house will be hosted on March 18th, 2025 between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall at 175 Bridge Street, in order to consider the proposed Amendment to the Development Permit By-law 15-2015.
AND TAKE NOTICE that a Public Meeting will be held on March 25th, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town of Carleton Place at 175 Bridge Street, to consider a proposed Amendment to the Development Permit By-law 15-2015 Sections 34 and 70.2 respectively of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13.
TAKE NOTICE that, in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, this notice is to advise that there is sufficient information and supporting documentation to deem the Amendment complete.
TAKE NOTICE that if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Carleton Place on the proposed Development Permit By-law Amendment, you must make a written request to the Development Services Department at
Please see attached Notice and Draft By-law for more information.
Residents are encouraged to provide comments on any open application listed below. Comments can be provided using our website form, or by contacting the planner responsible for the review. Residents interested in renovating, developing or redeveloping their properties are encouraged to contact the Planning Department to confirm if a development application is required. If you have confirmed that an application is indeed necessary, fillable forms can be found below.
DP2-03-2025 – McNeely Avenue
Subject Lands:
An application for a Class III Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at McNeely Avenue (legally described as Part of Southwest Half Lot 16, Concession 11, Township of Beckwith, County of Lanark).
The property is designated as “Highway District” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to consider the construction of a single-storey grocery store (approximate gross floor area of 3,251 m2). The proposed development will include parking and loading spaces in the front and rear of the building, respectfully. The application requires the two (2) following variations to the development standards prescribed by the Development Permit By-law:
- A proposed 3 metre landscape buffer along an arterial roadway, whereas a 5 metre buffer is required; and
- A proposed 0 metre landscape buffer between abutting and similar land uses, whereas 1.5 metre buffer is required.
Please see the Notice for more information.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Please submit comments by April 1, 2025. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8.
- Notice
- Site Grading Plan
- Landscape Plan
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
- Civil Details
- Site Plan
- Urban Design Brief
- Planning Rationale
- Stormwater Management Report
- Transportation Study
DP3-02-2024 – Block 207 and 208 27M-101, Mississippi Shores Subdivision
An application for a Class III Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located on O’Donovan Drive in the Mississippi Shores Subdivision (legally described as Blocks 207 and 208 on PLAN 27M-101; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated “Residential” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to permit the construction of four (4) apartment dwelling houses. Each three-story building will include twenty-one (21) residential dwelling units for a total of 84 residential units on the subject lands. The site plan also includes the construction of underground and surface parking as well as landscape amenity space for the units. A portion of the subject lands are located within the 1:100-year floodplain, however the site plan development does not propose grading impacts within the floodplain.
The proposal seeks to recognize a variance from the provisions to provide 20% landscaped open space within the defined “rear yard” of the site. Instead, the design includes 53% landscaped open space over the entire site with a planned amenity space concentrated on the northern end of the site abutting Lake Avenue West. The proposal also seeks to provide cash-in-lieu for sixteen (16) parking spaces. 89 resident spaces and 21 visitor spaces are provided on the site.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8.
- Notice
- Site Plan
- Rendered 3D Views
- Design Brief
- Parking
- Servicing Report
- Housing Market Needs Assessment
- Landscape Plan
- Source Water Protection Checklist
- Sustainability Checklist
Development Permit Amendment Application DPA-02-2024 – Comrie Hills Subdivision – Inverness Homes Inc.
TAKE NOTICE that a public Open House will be hosted on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Carleton Place Town Hall Auditorium, 175 Bridge Street, in order to consider the proposed Amendment to the Development Permit By-law 15-2015 in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 respectively of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13.
AND TAKE NOTICE that a Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at Carleton Place Town Hall to consider a proposed Amendment to the Development Permit By-law 15-2015 in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 respectively of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13.
TAKE NOTICE that, in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, this notice is to advise that there is sufficient information and supporting documentation to deem the Amendment complete.
TAKE NOTICE that if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Carleton Place on the proposed Development Permit By-law Amendment, you must make a written request to the Development Services Department at
- Notice of Open House and Public Meeting
- Planning Report
- Urban Design Brief
- Planning and Land Use Compatability Report
- Landscaping Strategy
- Built Form Inventory
- Draft PUD Development Provisions
- Planned Unit Development Site Plan
- Draft By-law
32 MacArthur Avenue – DP2-07-2024
An application for a Class II Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at 89 Rear Street (legally described as PLAN 3133 LOT 15 PT LOT 14 RP 26R1476 PART 2; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated as “Mississippi Transitional Sector” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to construct a detached accessory building in the rear yard to the existing dwelling unit that will serve as an Additional Residential Unit. The proposed structure is requesting relief from the maximum building height provision as prescribed in the Development Permit By-law.
The applicant is requesting a maximum building height of 6.83 metres (22’5”) whereas the by-law prescribes a maximum building height of 4.5 metres (14’ 9”).
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Please submit comments by November 4, 2024. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8.
450 McNeely Avenue – DP3-03-2024
An application for a Class III Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at 450 McNeely Avenue (legally described as BECKWITH CON 11 PT LOTS 15 AND 16 PT RD ALLOW RP 27R9045 PARTS 1 TO 15 29 PT PARTS 16 TO 20; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated as “Highway District” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to consider three (3) land uses that are currently not listed as permitted uses in the “Highway District” for the subject lands. The property is currently being developed subject to municipal file number DP3-01-2024, making up the first phase of the site’s build-out. Subsequent phases of non-residential development are seeking permission of Town Council to permit the following uses:
- Medical Clinic
- Pharmacy
- Veterinarian Establishment
At this time, no physical construction is proposed. This application seeks only to add three (3) site-specific uses to the commercial property.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Please submit comments by January 3, 2025. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8
124 Moore Street – DP2-02-2025
An application for a Class II Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at 124 Moore Street (legally described as PLAN 376 PT LOT 10 LOT 11 SAVE AND EXCEPT RP 26R2368 PART 8; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated as “Mississippi Transitional Sector” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to construct a 108.6 m2 (1,169 sq. ft) addition to the existing non-residential building on the subject property. The proposed addition to the existing building is considered an expansion of a legal non-complying structure in regard to the maximum front yard setback requirement listed in the Development Permit By-law.
Additional Information and Commenting Options:
Additional information in relation to the proposed development is available for review below.
Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. | By visiting: | |
2. | By email: | |
3. | By post: | Planning Department Town of Carleton Place 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8. |
Comments are requested by: FEBRUARY 15th, 2025.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public.
This assessment aims to evaluate the current housing stock, identify gaps in housing availability and affordability, and project future housing needs based on demographic trends and economic conditions. As the Town evolves, ensuring that its housing strategies meet the diverse needs of its residents is paramount to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community.
The first step in the Housing Needs Assessment involves analyzing the existing housing market in Carleton Place. This includes assessing the types of housing available, such as single-family homes, apartments, and townhouses, and examining their affordability relative to the median household income. Additionally, the assessment considers the condition and age of existing housing stock and identifies areas that may require renovation or redevelopment. Understanding these factors helps to paint a clear picture of the current housing landscape and highlights areas where there may be shortages or surpluses.
Looking ahead, the assessment also incorporates population and employment projections to forecast future housing needs. Carleton Place is expected to see continued population growth due to its proximity to Ottawa and its appeal as a commuter town. This growth will likely increase demand for a variety of housing types, from affordable rental units to family homes. The assessment considers the needs of various demographic groups, including young professionals, families, seniors, and low-income households. By identifying these needs and planning accordingly, Carleton Place can develop strategies to ensure that all residents have access to safe, affordable, and suitable housing options, ultimately supporting the Town’s long-term sustainability and quality of life.
The following report covers the housing continuum, housing demand, housing supply, affordability, existing gaps and future community needs.
DP3-02-2024 – Block 207 and 208 27M-101, Mississippi Shores Subdivision
An application for a Class III Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located on O’Donovan Drive in the Mississippi Shores Subdivision (legally described as Blocks 207 and 208 on PLAN 27M-101; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated “Residential” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to permit the construction of four (4) apartment dwelling houses. Each three-story building will include twenty-one (21) residential dwelling units for a total of 84 residential units on the subject lands. The site plan also includes the construction of underground and surface parking as well as landscape amenity space for the units. A portion of the subject lands are located within the 1:100-year floodplain, however the site plan development does not propose grading impacts within the floodplain.
The proposal seeks to recognize a variance from the provisions to provide 20% landscaped open space within the defined “rear yard” of the site. Instead, the design includes 53% landscaped open space over the entire site with a planned amenity space concentrated on the northern end of the site abutting Lake Avenue West. The proposal also seeks to provide cash-in-lieu for sixteen (16) parking spaces. 89 resident spaces and 21 visitor spaces are provided on the site.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8.
- Notice
- Site Plan
- Rendered 3D Views
- Design Brief
- Parking
- Servicing Report
- Housing Market Needs Assessment
- Landscape Plan
- Source Water Protection Checklist
- Sustainability Checklist
Development Permit Amendment Application DPA-02-2024 – Comrie Hills Subdivision – Inverness Homes Inc.
TAKE NOTICE that a public Open House will be hosted on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Carleton Place Town Hall Auditorium, 175 Bridge Street, in order to consider the proposed Amendment to the Development Permit By-law 15-2015 in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 respectively of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13.
AND TAKE NOTICE that a Public Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 14th, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. at Carleton Place Town Hall to consider a proposed Amendment to the Development Permit By-law 15-2015 in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 respectively of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13.
TAKE NOTICE that, in accordance with Sections 34 and 70.2 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13, this notice is to advise that there is sufficient information and supporting documentation to deem the Amendment complete.
TAKE NOTICE that if you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Carleton Place on the proposed Development Permit By-law Amendment, you must make a written request to the Development Services Department at
- Notice of Open House and Public Meeting
- Planning Report
- Urban Design Brief
- Planning and Land Use Compatability Report
- Landscaping Strategy
- Built Form Inventory
- Draft PUD Development Provisions
- Planned Unit Development Site Plan
- Draft By-law
32 MacArthur Avenue – DP2-07-2024
An application for a Class II Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at 89 Rear Street (legally described as PLAN 3133 LOT 15 PT LOT 14 RP 26R1476 PART 2; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated as “Mississippi Transitional Sector” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to construct a detached accessory building in the rear yard to the existing dwelling unit that will serve as an Additional Residential Unit. The proposed structure is requesting relief from the maximum building height provision as prescribed in the Development Permit By-law.
The applicant is requesting a maximum building height of 6.83 metres (22’5”) whereas the by-law prescribes a maximum building height of 4.5 metres (14’ 9”).
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Please submit comments by November 4, 2024. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8.
450 McNeely Avenue – DP3-03-2024
An application for a Class III Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at 450 McNeely Avenue (legally described as BECKWITH CON 11 PT LOTS 15 AND 16 PT RD ALLOW RP 27R9045 PARTS 1 TO 15 29 PT PARTS 16 TO 20; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated as “Highway District” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to consider three (3) land uses that are currently not listed as permitted uses in the “Highway District” for the subject lands. The property is currently being developed subject to municipal file number DP3-01-2024, making up the first phase of the site’s build-out. Subsequent phases of non-residential development are seeking permission of Town Council to permit the following uses:
- Medical Clinic
- Pharmacy
- Veterinarian Establishment
At this time, no physical construction is proposed. This application seeks only to add three (3) site-specific uses to the commercial property.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public. Please submit comments by January 3, 2025. Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. By visiting the Applications Comment Form
2. By email:
3. By mail to: Planning Dept. Town of Carleton Place, 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8
124 Moore Street – DP2-02-2025
An application for a Class II Development Permit has been received for privately owned lands located at 124 Moore Street (legally described as PLAN 376 PT LOT 10 LOT 11 SAVE AND EXCEPT RP 26R2368 PART 8; Town of Carleton Place).
The property is designated as “Mississippi Transitional Sector” in both the Development Permit By-law and Official Plan.
Purpose and Effect of Application:
The purpose of the application is to construct a 108.6 m2 (1,169 sq. ft) addition to the existing non-residential building on the subject property. The proposed addition to the existing building is considered an expansion of a legal non-complying structure in regard to the maximum front yard setback requirement listed in the Development Permit By-law.
Additional Information and Commenting Options:
Additional information in relation to the proposed development is available for review below.
Comments can be submitted to the Planning Department in the following manner:
1. | By visiting: | |
2. | By email: | |
3. | By post: | Planning Department Town of Carleton Place 175 Bridge Street, Carleton Place ON K7C 2V8. |
Comments are requested by: FEBRUARY 15th, 2025.
Please note that any written or verbal submissions (including your name but excluding personal contact information) will form part of the public record and be made available to Town Council and the public.
Approved in 2017, Meadow Ridge is presently in its 4th phase of a 6-phase development. With an array of single, semis and townhomes, this subdivision will result in the creation of 450 new family homes south of Cavanagh Road.
Developer: Pegasus
Builder: Olympia Homes
Number of Dwellings: 450
Welcome to Miller’s Crossing, an exclusive Cardel Homes subdivision. Under construction since 2017, Cardel is preparing for the completion of the final phase of the development. Phase 3 of the subdivision offers spacious single detached and semi-detached dwellings, a number of which back onto parkland and large rural lots in Beckwith Township.
Developer: Cardel Homes
Builder: Cardel Homes
Number of Dwellings: 275
This centrally located residential community provides residents easy access to an array of commercial uses right next door. Developed by Cavanagh Developments Ltd., Coleman Central is entering its 2nd phase of construction and will introduce a stacked-townhome model to the existing available semi and street townhomes.
Developer: Cavanagh Developments Ltd.
Builders: Grizzley Homes, Doyle Homes, Landrick Homes, Longwood Builders
Number of Dwellings: 300
Mississippi Shores (formerly Bodnar Subdivision) is the most recent residential community approved in Carleton Place. Draft approved in 2018, site preparation and early servicing has begun with the registration of Phase 1 of the subdivision to occur in late 2021. As one of the largest subdivisions undertaken in Carleton Place, Mississippi Shores will see the creation of a mix of types of houses by a variety of builders.
Developer: Cavanagh Developments Ltd.
Builder: Patten Homes, Cardel Homes, NeilCorp
Number of Dwellings: 560
Tucked away in the recently completed Jackson Ridge Subdivision, residents will find the Taber Street townhome subdivision. This limited development will fill in the remaining lands within the Jackson Ridge neighbourhood.
Developer: Cavanagh Developments Ltd.
Builder: Patten Homes
Number of Dwellings: 20
The Town of Carleton Place would like to welcome our new residents and are glad you chose to call Carleton Place home!
We have created a guide that is directed toward residents who have moved into a new home, and into a new development within the Town of Carleton Place. In this guide you will information about Subdivision Assumption, making changes to your property, site alterations and grading, rear yard catch basins, fences and decks and street and sidewalk maintenance.
Residents interested in renovating, developing or redeveloping their properties are encouraged to contact the Planning Department to confirm if a development application is required. If you have confirmed that an application is indeed necessary, fillable forms can be found below:
- Class 1-3 Printable Development Permit Approval Form
- Class 1-3 Fillable Development Permit Approval Form
- Fillable Official Plan Amendment Form
- Fillable Development Permit Amendment Form
- Subdivision/Condominium – County of Lanark
- Part Lot Control – County of Lanark
- Severance – County of Lanark
There are fees associated with all development in Carleton Place. Fees associated to building development and sewer and water can be on the Building Department page.
The Town of Carleton Place is pleased to offer a suite of financial incentives to projects that: a) rehabilitate and rejuvenate the Downtown, b) create affordable housing, c) improve the accessibility of businesses and public spaces for all residents.
A copy of the Community Improvement Plan is available at the link below and businesses and property owners looking to file an application are encouraged to contact the Planning Department for more information.
The Town of Carleton Place is pleased to introduce a grant program to eligible property owners to facilitate the construction of additional residential units in accordance with Ontario Regulation 299/19. Please see the info sheet below for more information.
Please see the Secondary Suites Info Sheet for guidelines that will help you to know if your home qualifies for an income suite, also called a secondary suite or additional dwelling.
Please see the Tree Removal Info Sheet for guidelines that will help you know if you can remove a tree or trees from your property, or you if you need to contact the Town before going ahead with the removal.
The Heritage Grant is available to owners of properties which are recognized by by-law under Part IV or Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act and that meet the eligibility criteria of the Heritage Grant Policy. For more information, please review the documents below: