Strategic Properties
Land Acknowledgement
Omàmìwininì (Algonquin) aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan
This land we are upon is the traditional territory of the Algonquin people.

Project Overview
The Town of Carleton Place has four (4) Strategic Properties. These are areas for targeted growth and intensification within the Town. Mixed-use medium and high-density development on the Strategic Properties will contribute to the expansion and diversification of Carleton Place’s housing stock, will create more missing middle housing, and will serve as community hubs that will compliment and support the Downtown District and surrounding residential neighbourhoods.

Strategic Property Designation
Currently, the Town has identified and designated four (4) properties as “Strategic Properties”. These are:
- McArthur Island (150 Mill Street);
- The former site of the Findlay Foundry (28 High Street);
- The Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers property (142 Franktown Road); and the
- The DRS manufacturing plant property (115 Emily Street).
These areas present opportunities for new residential and mixed used residential and commercial development which can complement and support the Central Business District and help provide linkages between the downtown core and the newer commercial and residential districts.
The Mississippi District Thoroughfares provide access to the following strategically located large land parcels which are identified as Mississippi District Strategic Property on Schedule A:
- All development and/or redevelopment shall integrate public pedestrian and recreational trail facilities with linkages to the existing pathway system, adjacent public spaces and Mississippi River shorelines.
- All development shall be required to demonstrate that local natural heritage features on and adjacent to the site are protected and enhanced.
- In order to be considered as a Strategic Property, the candidate property shall meet the following minimum criteria:
- Minimum lot area of 0.8 hectares; and
- Immediate adjacency to the OVRT, Trans Canada Trail, Mississippi River or other local trail identified on Schedule “B”; and
- Local cultural or historical significance to the Town.
- Candidate properties shall be considered through and Official Plan and Development Permit Amendment. The statutory public consultation process shall be used to determine appropriate parameters for development or redevelopment of the lands.
A full description of policies on the Strategic Properties can be found in Section Mississippi District Strategic Properties of the Town of Carleton Place’s Draft Official Plan.
The Town is currently reviewing the Strategic Properties land use designation in the Official Plan and would like to hear your feedback on the matter. Your feedback will be carefully considered as part of the review process for the Strategic Properties designation in the updated Official Plan. Information gathered through this survey will help inform the Town on next steps to ensure policies within the Official Plan are reflective of community priorities.
For more information please contact:
Niki Dwyer MCIP RPP
Director of Development Services
We want to hear your thoughts! The Strategic Properties Survey is available now!
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