Central Bridge Lighting Display

Planned Upcoming Displays:

  • March 17th – Green for St. Patrick’s Day
  • March 20th to 24th – Blue and Yellow for SUDC

Did you know that the public has an opportunity to request that the Central Bridge be lit up to commemorate dates of significance? 

Council has approved a Bridge Lighting Display Policy which regulates requests from the public for specific light colours on the Central Bridge. 

Prior to submitting your request using the form below, please review the policy and the following Terms and Conditions: 

1. All lighting shall take place on the Central Bridge on Bridge St.

2. It is the responsibility of the requesting organization to submit an application for a lighting display to the Department of Recreation and Culture.

3. Requests will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis.

4. The Department of Recreation and Culture will assess and approve bridge lighting requests from charitable and non-profit organizations based on the following criteria:

  • The Town may change the lighting of the Central Bridge for:
    • nations recognized by the Government of Canada to celebrate a  country’s national day or on the anniversary of a special occasion.
    • charitable or non-profit organizations to help increase public awareness of their programs and activities.
    • organizations that have achieved national or international distinction or made a significant contribution to the community; and
    • organizations that have a presence in the Carleton Place community, except those outlined in section ii and iii below.
  • The Town will not approve requests for bridge lighting requested by:
    • Organizations or groups that are political or partisan in nature,  including political parties or political organizations.
    • Organizations that promote hatred, violence, racism, or discrimination of any kind.
    • Religious organizations.
    • Organizations that have already had their lighting display filled within the same calendar year; or
    • Commercial entities.
  • The Town will not approve requests for bridge lighting that:
    • Represent political causes.
    • Celebrate religious events.
    • Celebrate corporate events.
    • Support of groups, organizations, or events that promote beliefs contrary to any other Town policy or pose a reputational risk to the Town; or
    • Belong to nations that have already had their lighting display request filled within the same calendar year.

5. The Mayor, in consultation with the CAO and Manager of Recreation and Culture, may apply discretion to approve or deny a request for bridge lighting based on reputational risk to the Town.

6. When requests do not meet the criteria outlined in this Policy, the Manager of Recreation and Culture will advise Council. 

7. The Town reserves the right to cancel a lighting request in the case of an unforeseen circumstance, or in the case of a technical error or malfunction with the lighting display system.

8. The lighting display will be for a maximum of one (1) week.

9. When more than one request occurs for the same day/period, staff will make best efforts with the applicants to accommodate all requests.

10. When the same lighting display is requested by more than one community organization, the Town will try to coordinate the requests, and  reserves the right to determine the lead organization.