Town Council

A group shot of this term's Council

2022-2026 Carleton Place Council:

Mayor: Toby Randell
Deputy Mayor: Andrew Tennant
Councillor: Linda Seccaspina
Councillor: Jeff Atkinson
Councillor: Dena Comley
Councillor: Sarah Cavanagh
Councillor: Mark Hinton

Want to send an email to all of Council? Use this link!

2024 Meeting Schedule

Codes of Conduct

The Town of Carleton Place has adopted a Code of Conduct for both Council and staff.  Each Code of Conduct sets out the expectations for the behaviour of members of Council and staff.  The Code of Conduct covers Rules of Etiquette for Meetings and Public Inquiries, Interpersonal Behaviour, Confidentiality and Gifts, Hospitality and other Benefits.

The Code of Conduct is administered and enforced by an independent Integrity Commissioner. Members of Council, Town employees or members of the public who have reasonable grounds to believe that a Member of Council has contravened the Code should consult the Clerk regarding the Complaint Procedure.

Conflict of Interest Registry (top right corner)