Development Permit System Survey

A Development Permit System (DPS) is a land use planning tool available to Ontario municipalities that combines Zoning By-law Amendments, Minor Variances, and Site Plan Applications into one single application and approval process.

A DPS By-law implements the policies of an Official Plan in one single streamlined approvals process. This allows for a broader scope of review and greater flexibility in the application of development standards and land use permissions.

Since 2008, the Town of Carleton Place has made use of a DPS By-law. The existing by-law was adopted in 2015 and was last consolidated in July 2022. The Town has begun a project to review and update the current DPS By-law and wants to hear from the public to inform the project.

What will the review include?

The Town will be reviewing:

  • Urban Design Guidelines and Character
  • Districts and Subzones
  • General Provisions and Definitions
  • Updates to conform to the Official Plan update
  • Updates consistent with Provincial legislation changes
  • Other topics based on public interest and input

Phase 1: Background – Summer/Fall 2024
Phase 2: Draft DPS By-law – Fall 2024
Phase 3: Adoption of DPS By-law – Winter 2025

Share Your Thoughts! Take the online survey.

For questions and comments, contact the Town Planner, Tyler Duval, at