National AccessAbility Week

National AccessAbility Week

WHEREAS National AccessAbility Week was established in 1987 following Rick Hanson’s 40,000 km Man in Motion Tour; and

WHEREAS National AccessAbility Week is an opportunity:

  • to celebrate the valuable contributions of Canadians with disabilities; and
  • to recognize the efforts of individuals, communities and workplaces that are actively working to remove barriers to accessibility and inclusion; and

WHEREAS one in five working-age Canadians have at least one disability. Many persons living with disabilities face barriers in the areas of employment, information and technology, transportation, housing, education and recreation; and

WHEREAS we all benefit from a society and an economy without barriers to inclusion. When persons with disabilities can participate in all aspects of society, including accessing employment, resources and services, it enriches Canada and its economy; and

WHEREAS the Town of Carleton Place Accessibility Advisory Committee is committed to increasing public awareness and breaking down barriers faced by persons with disabilities.

Therefore, I, Mayor Toby Randell, on behalf of the Council of the Town of Carleton Place, hereby proclaim May 26 – June 1, 2024, as National AccessAbility Awareness Week in the Town of Carleton Place.