
Ride the LT

The Town of Carleton Place understands that the closure of the Central Bridge will impact residents, especially on the north side of the river, and their ability to access public and medical services, and shopping on the south side of the river.  Therefore, the Town of Carleton Place has partnered with the Lanark Transportation Association to assist residents by offering transportation services at a reduced rate.  Ride the LT is a community bus service provided for the low fee of $2.00 per trip every Wednesday in Carleton Place.

Residents can book their seat for Wednesdays by calling (613) 264-8256 or 1-877-445-5777 before 10:00 a.m. each Monday. The stops are designed to be 45 minutes or 90 minutes.  When dropping a client off, the driver will ask if they wished to be picked up in 45 or 90 minutes.

Safe Cycling in Carleton Place

The Town of Carleton Place Recreation and Culture Department is pleased to present the “Safe Cycling Routes in Carleton Place” pamphlet which is now available in hard copy or online download.

The “Safe Cycling Routes in Carleton Place” Pamphlet outlines roadways in Carleton Place that are safer for cycling transportation due to wider street shoulders, lighter vehicle traffic, and bike rack access. The pamphlet also lists where public washrooms are located throughout the town, as well as information on how to rent a bicycle at the Information Centre. Hard Copies of the Pamphlet can be obtained at the Carleton Place Information Centre, Carambeck Community Centre, and Carleton Place Arena. 

The Recreation and Culture Department was successful in securing grant funding through the Safe Cycling Education Fund to cover the expenses of the creation and printing of the “Safe Cycling Routes in Carleton Place” pamphlets. The next stages of this Safe Cycling initiative include; installation of Safe Cycling signage on the designated roadways, and installation of larger map signage throughout the Town of Carleton Place.

“When Carleton Place hosted the Eastern Ontario Active Transportation Summit in 2017, we were fortunate to have Justin Jones from ‘Share The Road’ cycle throughout Carleton Place and provide suggestions for improvements,” says Community Programmer Jessica Hansen. “His main suggestions included; having safe cycling routes throughout Carleton Place, as well as investing on cycle-friendly directional signage for tourists visiting Carleton Place on their bicycles. We are in the process of implementing all suggestions as funding allows, and we are eager to complete this project.”

The Recreation and Culture Department will be seeking additional grant funding through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program to assist in covering the expenses of the roadway and larger cycle signage throughout Carleton Place. The entire project is estimated to be completed by June, 2019.