Carleton Place Built Form Design Guidelines Survey

The Town is reviewing it’s Built Form Design Guidelines. This will help Carleton Place continue to grow and flourish into an amazing place to live, work and play! 

Built form design, also known as urban design, is the design of how people, places, and buildings appear, interact, and function. Different neighbourhoods within Carleton Place have over time developed distinctive design and recognizable character. The Town uses built form design guidelines to direct new development which will complement and further evolve existing character. 

The goal of this survey is to understand your preferences for design within Carleton Place. We want to hear what you love about the buildings and spaces in the Town, how you want the buildings and spaces in your community to look and make you feel. This will help to understand what types of changes you want to see for the design guidelines and similar provisions of the by-law. 

This is part of a larger project to review and update the Development Permit System (DPS) By-law. Find out more about the project, and who to contact with any questions, here:

This survey is being conducted by J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd, who have been retained by the Town for the DPS By-law Review. The information you share with us in this survey will be confidential and anonymized, and findings will be reported in summaries.

Participation in this survey is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. If you agree to participate, completion of the survey is expected to take 5-10 minutes. Please complete this survey by April 18, 2025. Thank you for your sharing your thoughts! 

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey