Enbridge Gas – Order Approving Clearance or Disposition of Amounts Recorded in Certain Deferral or Variance Accounts

On May 31st, 2024, Enbridge Gas Inc. (Enbridge Gas) filed an application with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for an Order or Orders approving the clearance or disposition of amounts recorded in certain deferral or variance accounts.

On June 27th, 2024, the OEB issued the Notice of Application along with the Letter of Direction for the proceeding. The OEB has directed Enbridge Gas to serve a copy of the Notice of Application along with the application and evidence to the clerks of all municipalities in which Enbridge Gas supplies gas.

The OEB’s Notice of Application (English and French) along with Enbridge Gas’ application and evidence as filed with the OEB are available online.

The OEB’s Notice of Application provides information on how to become informed and involved in the proceeding. Interested parties can apply to the OEB for Intervenor Status in this proceeding by July 15, 2023.

A paper copy of the evidence filed in this proceeding is available upon request and can also be viewed on Enbridge’s website under Other Regulatory Proceedings: Regulatory Information | Enbridge Gas