Mummering Kitchen Christmas Party

Dress up in costume to disguise your identity, bring your ugly stick or spoons and come out and enjoy live music and newfie style snacks! $10 per ticket, available at the Legion bar now!

CP Community Christmas Lunch

Join us for Christmas Lunch with the CP Community Lunch (formally the Hungry Lunch Cafe) Entertainment by the Off Beats starting at 11:30am. Lunch served at noon.

Photos with Santa & Mrs Claus

This Holiday Season enjoy shopping local and make sure to stop in to take your own Photos (for Free) with Santa & Mrs Claus at the Carleton Place Info Centre at 170 Bridge St on Saturdays (December 7, 14 & 21st) leading up to Christmas from 12:30 - 3:30. Make sure to pick up a ... Read more

Navy League/Sea Cadet 50/50 Eucher

$10 per person.  1/2 of proceeds go back out as prizes. Doors open at 6, games start at 7. 137 John Street.  Info call Lynda 613-257-5214.  All proceeds go to Navy League/Sea Cadets.


Free Sponsored Skate

Carleton Place Arena 75 Neelin Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada

Sponsored By: Giant Tiger

Free Sponsored Swim

Sponsored by Lanark County Paramedic Services

Free Sponsored Skate

Sponsored By: MPP John Jordan- Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston