Lanark County OPP Detachment Board

Purpose of the Board

While it is the legislative mandate of the OPP Detachment Board to work with the Detachment Commander to make decisions where appropriate and submit information to the Municipal Councils in other matters in accordance with the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA), the purpose of the OPP Detachment Board is to:

  1. Comply with the prescribed standards, if any, with respect to the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties under the Act;
  2. Make decisions on matters within their jurisdiction and provide advice and information to Municipal Councils on specialized matters as outlined in the Act;
  3. Facilitate public input on programs and ideas when appropriate and approved by the OPP Detachment Board to ensure the work of the Board is representative of the communities it serves;
  4. Make decisions in enhancing the quality of life and ensuring the safety and security of all persons and property in the community, in keeping with the Minister’s Strategic Plan and the OPP Detachment Board strategic plan or the annual objectives and principles as established by the OPP Detachment Board; and
  5. Conduct itself in keeping with the prescribed Code of Conduct under the CSPA (Section 35(6)) and in keeping with the OPP Detachment Board’s Procedural By-law.

Roles and Responsibilities

Per Section 68 (1) of the Community Safety and Policing Act, the OPP Detachment Board’s roles shall include:

  1. Consulting with the Commissioner regarding the selection of a detachment commander and otherwise participate in accordance with the regulations in the selection of the detachment commander;
  2. Determining objectives and priorities for the detachment, not inconsistent with the strategic plan prepared by the Minister, after consultation with the detachment commander or his or her designate;
  3. Advising the detachment commander with respect to policing provided by the detachment;
  4. Monitoring the performance of the detachment commander;
  5. Reviewing the reports of the detachment commander regarding policing provided by the detachment; and
  6. On or before June 30th in each year, providing an annual report to the municipalities regarding the policing provided by the detachment in their municipalities.

Board Composition

Unless otherwise determined by Provincial Legislation, membership shall be comprised of eight (8) Council representatives based on one (1) per OPP policed municipality, eight (8) community representatives based on one (1) per OPP policed municipality, and four (4) provincial representatives.

1. Qualifications of the Community Representatives

  • To qualify for the Community Representative on the OPP Detachment Board, applicants must be eligible to vote in the respective municipality they are appointed from.
  • Community Representatives shall not be employees of their respective municipality.
  • Preference will be given to persons demonstrating knowledge or experience specific to the subject Committee / Board.

2. Appointments to the OPP Detachment Board

  • Appointments to the OPP Detachment Board shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 33 of the Act.
  • Council Appointments to the OPP Detachment Board shall be made by the respective municipal Council; one (1) per municipality.
  • Community Appointments to the OPP Detachment Board shall be made by the respective municipal Council; one (1) per municipality.  In considering Community Appointments, preference should be given to persons demonstrating knowledge or experience in one (1) or more of the following areas:
    • Finance
    • Social Services
    • Education
    • Governance
    • Legal
    • Health Care
    • Mental Health
  • Provincial Appointments to the OPP Detachment Board shall be made by the Provincial Government.

3. Term of Membership

The Term of office for Council and Community Appointees on the OPP Detachment Board shall be concurrent with the term of Council.

The Term of office for Provincial Appointees on the OPP Detachment Board shall be as determined by the Provincial Government. 

Board Members:

Council Appointees:

Township of Beckwith – Reeve Richard Kidd
Town of Carleton Place – Councillor Dena Comley
Township of Drummond/North Elmsley – Reeve Steve Fournier
Township of Lanark Highlands – Councillor Ron Closs
Municipality of Mississippi Mills – Councillor Denzil Ferguson
Township of Montague – Reeve Karen Jennings
Town of Perth – Deputy Mayor Ed McPherson
Tay Valley Township – Reeve Rob Rainer

Municipal Appointees:

To be determined

Provincial Appointees:

To be determined

Secretary-Treasurer (Acting)

Diane Smithson, CAO, Town of Carleton Place
Tel:  613-257-6255

Agendas and Minutes

Coming Soon.